Climate Friendly Week

A moment of sharing and reflection

ADN Carbone 0” is the new school exchange program, which does not require students to travel, supported by the AGORA MONDE platform.

The concept: put teachers from the AEFE network in contact with their ninth-grade classes to build a common project. Intercultural, this program is also eco-citizen, through the mobilization of participants in the reflection around carbon emissions and their compensation with, in particular, the planting of trees.

The ADN Carbone 0 principle is to bring together teachers and their classes (3ème or CM1 and/or CM2) from schools in the French education network abroad, to develop and build together a commmon educational project. During the third term, the ADN Carbone 0 program invites participating classes to mobilize around eco-citizen actions related to the reduction and awareness of carbon emissions generated by digital communications.

The ADN Carbone 0 week will take place from May 16 to 20 throughout the AEFE network. This week will be an opportunity to showcase the ADN Carbone 0 projects carried out by teachers and their students, to work on eco-citizen education by raising awareness among the entire school community.

This year, the Saint-Dominique International Institute in Rome has embarked on this project with the 3ème, but it is the entire school community that will participate in this global awareness operation.