The Saint-Dominique International Institute is pleased to present to you the activities planned for the “2022 Fall Camps”, from October 24 to 28 and from November 2 to 4 (3 days).
We have favored a balance between innovative sports activities and essential school revisions at this stage of the year. We also wanted, for the youngest of our pupils, to immerse them with the atmosphere of autumn and its traditions. A reception is scheduled from 7:45 a.m. with the start of activities at 8:30 a.m.
In the program :
- From the Toute Petite Section of kindergarten to CP: “Autumn and Halloween”, sports and motor skills activities (various motor skills courses including a tricycle course, balance bike, etc.), educational and artistic activities in English, French and Italian, discovery of the surrounding environment. Daycare possible from 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.
- From CE1 to CM2: “Revisions, arts, Laser Run, Parkour and graffiti”, introduction to “Laser run” (laser shooting/running), artistic activities and revisions focused on English, Italian, French and mathematics . Parkour and graffiti for 3 days the 2nd week.
- Middle school & Sixth form: “Revisions, Laser Run, Parkour and graffiti”, introduction to “Laser run” (laser shots/running) and revisions focused on methodology, English, Italian, French and mathematics. Parkour and graffiti for 3 days the 2nd week.
The rates are: €250 for week 1 / €150 for week 2
Registrations are made online on our EDUKA platform until October 19th. For all information: