Week of French schools around the world

To further promote what the French education system represents abroad, every year since 2017, the AEFE has organized a Week of French high schools around the world at the end of November. The sixth edition is scheduled from Monday 28th November to Saturday 3rd December. This awareness week, in which all French schools around the world are invited to participate by promoting educational activities, has an impact locally and worldwide.

With the theme “Stay tuned in a connected world to develop into enlightened citizens“, the sixth edition is an opportunity to promote media and information education (EMI), in order to support a beautiful educational dynamic in this field, essential in our digital world of continuous information.

Learn to decipher information, know how to find reliable information, produce verified and responsible information, sharpen your critical mind to form an opinion: these are essential skills that the French school must allow you to acquire. The Week of French high schools around the world 2022 is an opportunity for teaching teams and students to focus on media and information education projects. By participating in the Week of French Schools around the world, each establishment makes itself better known and helps to show both the coherence and diversity but also the solidarity of the network.

Week of French schools around the world

Trailer 2022

Planned initiatives

A narrative map of events lists the initiatives, enriched by contributions from schools in the global school network.