Odyssey International Days: a community celebration

ST DOMINIQUE, ROME FRENCH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL recently had the pleasure of organizing the Odyssey International Days, a series of dynamic and intercultural events that highlight diversity and mutual support within our school community. These days have become a must-attend annual event in our network.

A Pedagogical and Festive Event

The Odyssey International Days are a celebration, but also a unique educational opportunity. Through sports workshops, our students had the chance to explore and get introduced to three sports:

  • Wrestling initiation – contact game on the mats
  • Rugby initiation – Pripri game
  • Field hockey initiation – Unihoc

Sports at School: A Pillar of Development and Success

Beyond cultural activities, sports play a central role in the personal development of our students at St Dominique. Our sports program is designed to encourage a healthy lifestyle, foster team spirit, and develop essential skills such as perseverance and fair play. Moreover, sports promote self-confidence, stress management, and camaraderie.

Interschool competitions

Our students regularly participate in inter-class or inter-school competitions with the Odyssey group, offering our students the opportunity to compete against their peers and proudly represent their school. These competitions are a source of motivation and pride, and they reinforce the feeling of belonging to a school community.

Sport at school: a pillar of development

By celebrating cultural diversity and promoting physical activity, we prepare our students to become global citizens, balanced and fulfilled. We offer an environment where each talent is valued and each student can fully develop.